Top 8 Pregnancy Questions To Ask Your Gynaecologist On The First Visit

Top 8 Pregnancy Questions To Ask Your Female Gynaecologist


Discovering you are pregnant can be a very overwhelming moment. You go through a roller coaster ride of emotions from feeling super excited—because you know you will soon welcome another beating heart into this world—to feeling scared and uncertain once you think about all the physical and lifestyle changes that will happen to you starting from this period onwards.

Though pregnancy can post a lot of questions, don’t let that stress you out. Your first prenatal visit is where you will get reliable information and answers to your most pressing questions about being on the family way. But in order to get the most useful and relevant pieces of pregnancy advice, tips, and life hacks, you must also be prepared during your checkup.

Pregnancy Questions: What to Prepare Before Your First Prenatal Visit

Once you see those two positive lines on a home pregnancy test, you should call to set an appointment with your gynecologist. Usually you will be scheduled around eight weeks after your last menstrual period or your doctor may request for you to come in earlier particularly if you have any medical conditions that can be a cause of concern.

Your first prenatal check is important because it will confirm two things: 1. It will confirm if you are indeed pregnant and 2. You’ll also get a good estimate on how far along you are. This checkup will also probably be the longest one since you are still hungry for information and want to fill in the blanks when it comes to knowing how you can have a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Before your appointment, be sure to have this information with you since your gynecologist will most likely ask about them:

  • Date of your last menstrual period (this will help determine gestational age and due date)
  • List of medications you are taking and medication allergies you may have
  • Your medical history and your family’s

Most importantly, don’t forget to write down our Top 8 Pregnancy Questions to ask our gynecologist on your first visit:

1. What lifestyle changes should I make now to ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy?

You might need to change some habits or acquire new ones while you’re pregnant. This will be a good time to ask your doctor about the do’s and don’ts of a healthy pregnancy.

2. Should I take precautions regarding my physical activities?

Ask your gynecologist about any modifications you might need to do with your activities. For example, sports, exercises, chores, travel, and work-related stress can all affect your pregnancy so it’s better to know your limits.

3. How much weight should I gain (or not)?

This is an important question to ask because what you weighed before you got pregnant will tell you how much you should try to gain or not during the entire pregnancy.

4. Are the vitamins, supplements, medicines I’m taking now safe for pregnant women?

Not all medications and over-the-counter supplements are safe during pregnancy. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor.

5. What prenatal tests should I have based on my age and medical history?

Some prenatal tests might not be necessary. Be sure to ask your doctor which ones are important for your current health condition and medical history.

6. What symptoms are normal and what are those that I should consider calling a doctor?

Many women worry about different symptoms during pregnancy. However, some symptoms like cramping may just be part of a normal pregnancy. Talk to your doctor and make sure you know when a symptom needs to be called in.

7. How do I manage fatigue and morning sickness?

Even if you are not experiencing these two symptoms yet, they will come during the first trimester so it’s a good idea to ask your doctor how to manage them so you don’t have to wait to ask about it until your next checkup.

8. What is your philosophy about childbirth?

If you are planning to stick with your gynecologist until you give birth, it’s good to ask her now how she handles birth. Is she hands on? Are there more than one doctor involved in their practice? What are her thoughts about pain relief during labor? These open-ended questions will help you have an idea how your doctor sees birth and how she may try to control the process.

You may certainly add more to this list of questions. What’s important is to write them all down so that you can better communicate with your gynecologist. Also, being prepared with all your medical info and questions can help you get clearer answers and make good use of your consultation time.

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