Couple Fertility Screening
Discover potential fertility issues, understand treatment options, and start your family journey with confidence.
Considering starting a family?
Couple Fertility Screening is a comprehensive evaluation of both partners’ reproductive health to identify potential fertility issues. This screening helps couples understanding their chances of conception and guides them towards effective treatment options.
Couple Fertility Screening Package
Price: $753 Nett
For both:
- Pre & Post Consultaiton with Fertility Specialist
- Review of Medical History
- Basic Parameter Check
For Him:
- Semen Analysis
- DNA Fragmentation Assay (DNA)
- Oxidative Stress Assay (OSA)
- Hyaluronan Binding Assay (HBA)
For Her:
- Pap Smear (Thin Pap)
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Hormonal Profile and Thyroid Profile
- Anti-Mullerian Hormone
- Anti-TG and Anti-TPO
- Progesterone
Start Your Fertility Journey with Couple Fertility Screening Package
When you decide to begin your fertility journey, you are making an incredible commitment to pursue a long awaited dream, to start a family.